MUST SEE! Kanye West Falls off Stage in Norway

All of the Lights??! Well the show must go on...LOL

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HHS Freestyle Fridays!

HHS Freestyle Fridays!

We are looking for the very best lyricists to go head to head on our YouTube Channel for our Freestyle Fridays Competition! To enter, simply submit a 30-second (or less) video of yourself freestyling with your best rhymes HERE or email us at [email protected]

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HILARIOUS! Drake Falls Off Stage

Drizzy was hilarious this past weekend as the host and musical guest on SNL. It was refreshing to be spared from watching Kenan Thompson play Whoopi Goldberg, [sidebar: Kerry Washington killed as FLOTUS Michelle Obama]! Cast newcomer Sasheer Zamata fit right in, and we're looking forward to more from her! Check out Drake's fall from grace below - the joke's on him :) 

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VH1's The Tanning of America: One Nation Under Hip-Hop

The Making of The Tanning of America: One Nation Under Hip-Hop, How A Book Went From the Shelves to the Screen

 A discussion on VH1′s Rock Doc Series with panelists Steve Stoute (author, CEO of Translation), Billy Corben (Director, Filmmaker), Brad Abramson (VP, VH1 Production & Programming), Keith Clinkscales (CEO, REVOLT Media & TV). Moderated by Lisa Cortés (Owner, Cortés Films) ... Read more HERE

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From Spoken Word to Hip-Hop: The Watts Prophets & Kendrick Lamar


Seemingly born out of the 1965 Watts riots, The Watts Prophets used the art form of spoken word to be the voice that detailed the harsh realities of a time before them, their present, and the perils of a future if the "dead" did not "wake up"! But they also spoke of love and romance, and everyday life in their surroundings. Today's Kendrick Lamar of Compton introduced a fresh voice, detailing his life growing up in the inner city of his west coast hometown. Hip-Hop used to be primarily a voice, a way to tell the truth about the world we live in. This why Mr. Lamar has & continues to maintain the respect and admiration of Hip-Hop's pioneers. Enjoy below the some of the West Coast's finest spoken word and hip hop:

The Watts Prophets - I Remember Watts

Kendrick Lamar - M.A.A.D. City (Featuring MC Eiht)

'I Remember Watts' vs. 'M.A.A.D. City'

When you hear The Watts Poets say "To light up Los Angeles, it only took one [watt]. I remember Watts...a place where winos and have-nots took their treasured possessions to pawn shops.." are you able to draw any parallels when Kendrick Lamar growls "..Seem like the whole city go against me, every time I'm in the streets I hear YAWK! YAWK! YAWK! YAWK!" ?

Quincy Jones & The Watts Prophets - Beautiful Black Girl

No Make Up - Kendrick Lamar

'Beautiful Black Girl' vs. 'No Make Up'

"Hey Beautiful African Girl, I got something I wanna say to you...Girl, I love you. I love you Beautiful Black Girl & I need you so bad" Whew! Color me inspired. This romantic spoken word piece by The Watts Poets was set to music, and blessed by the legendary Quincy Jones. KDot futhers the sentiment when he shares "The roses on your face light up the sky. Those lips are colorful all the time. Do you make up today? Her prettiness, the wittiness of colors on her skin tone...

As you can see, The Watts Prophets' influence continues on today! Had you heard of them prior to reading this post? Share your thoughts below in the comments.

Hip Hop Smithsonian, EzineArticles Basic Author
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2013 Top Ten Digital Hip Hop Bios

2013 Top Ten Digital Hip Hop Bios

Currently, there are 100+ digital hip hop bios available for you to dissect, enjoy, and win arguments with your friends & family! Here, we break down the top 10 of 2013

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LAST CALL!!! Top 10 Hip Hop Songs About Hip Hop - #2, #1

LAST CALL!!! Top 10 Hip Hop Songs About Hip Hop - #2, #1

Our funding campaign wraps up this Tuesday, December 11th. We hope you've enjoyed counting down the Top Ten Songs about Hip Hop! We close out this week with Biggie and Tupac!

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Author Maco Faniel Sets the (Houston hip-hop) Record Straight!

Hip Hop Scriptures recently caught up with Maco Faniel, author of Hip-Hop in Houston: The Origin & The Legacy. Enjoy our interview below!

HHS: How did you balance writing for different audiences?

MF: This book was originally my Master's thesis, so it was highly academic with regards to language. I changed some of the language for the book to make it more accessible. I strongly believe that God has positioned me to merge the street and academia. While I consider all of my work to be scholarly, I want my momma to be able to read it (laughs); and people from various walks of life. 

HHS: How did you stay motivated & inspired?

MF: I feel as though I already know what death looks like, having experienced depression for a number of years, so I made a decision to pursue life at all costs. I really believe in taking opportunities, and I understand that it takes discipline and commitment to achieve success. So far, I have been able to sell 1,100 copies of my book in just 4 months!

HHS: How have folks back in Houston received your work?

MF: The local hip-hop community has given positive feedback. They're excited about it, and for finally being recognized for their contributions. My whole music collection while growing up was inundated with Houston hip-hop and other regional styles.  This book is important for many reasons - While recently viewing the AMA's we all basically witnessed cultural appropriation - Black style was used as a backdrop. Future generations could grow up thinking that Macklemore or Justin Bieber were the originators.

HHS: Excerpt from the book: His most poignant claim was that hip-hop
must be understood in the appropriate context, else it falls victim to
misunderstandings and lies.
(summary of Jay-Z’s argument from Decoded: Jay-Z in Conversation with Cornel West). Can you expound upon this?

MF: Let's take N.W.A.'s 'F**k the Police' for example. It's easy to dismiss it as simply hateful rhetoric against the police. However, the appropriate context is police brutality; driving while black; taking a kid out of a Crips set and dropping him off in a known Blood set. Some people dismiss hip-hop as having no culture, or as material put out by degenerates. People tend to think this can't be real life that they're rapping about. It's all about culture. In Houston, for example, we have a car culture. When you turn 16, you get a car. Instead of a radio Raheem, we draw attention to ourselves by our cars. Ultimately, anything out of context is a lie.

HHS: Which current hip-hop artists have your ear?

MF: It's funny...I don't actually listen to hip-hop on the radio when I'm in the car driving. I listen to the R&B station. But when at home, I listen to J. Cole - I think he had best album out this year. I also listen to Kanye West, Jay Z, Scarface, Drake and A$AP Rocky. I grew up in a different time, so I can't identify with a lot of the new stuff (Trinidad James for example). Sometimes while listening, I'm thinking, "Do I have to be on molly to get this?"

HHS: Excerpt from book: We came back in an hour, and I had like eight bars. He said
his rap, and everybody started laughing, but when I said my rap, they started
raising their eyebrows. They seemed impressed. So when I saw that…I
started [thinking], “Maybe I got something right here!” That’s how it all
started—turning that lil’ eight bars into a verse and eventually into a song (Willie D)
 Does everyone think they can rap nowadays?

MF:  Everyone thinks they can rap. However, they (eventually) come to realize that they can't. Hip-hop never started as a career move for most successful artists. Today, for the most part, as in the past people do it for FUN. A lot of people believe in the possibility of overnight success because of things like YouTube, and other online vehicles. They lack hustle - you have to build your craft. Kendrick (Lamar) is a "new" artist, but he put in years of work behind that. To quote Slim Thug's 'Already Platinum' referred to the fact that he was already (financially) successful from selling music out of the trunk of his car. Malcolm Gladwell got it right when he cautions that you have to put in at least 10,000 hours to reach some modicum of success.

HHS: As I read the book, I noticed what seemed an almost unspoken alliance between the South & the West Coast. Is this accurate? 

MF:  Yes, to an extent there was, and still is. There's definitely a shared experience of being marginalized within the music industry by radio stations and record companies for decades. And there are similar spatial realities for both Houston and L.A. and Comptom. Everything is spread out, we have to have cars, many Texas people migrated to Cali.

HHS: You're currently working towards a PhD at Rutgers. Talk a bit about your previous experience as a teacher, and how you infused hip-hop.

MF: As a professor, I use music all the time to teach. Take history, for example. I will break down the lesson the the neighborhood level (e.g., Sunnyside vs. 3rd ward). I use the music to help students understand context - how we define ourselves; how we define 'other'. As a class, we break down how a song discusses this. I'm known to play music in the classroom while students are reading. I freestyle a lot during lectures to make it a comfortable environment. We look at popular imagery. I have even used some of the more popular Kevin Hart memes. I especially enjoyed the Ike Turner one (laughs). It's all about taking something familiar to make them pay attention to the content.

HHS: How will obtaining a doctorate ultimately help you, and what are your plans for the near future?

MF: Working towards my PhD allows me to obtain additional skills and knowledge. It enhances my ability to critique, to be an analytical thinker and provides me with both credentials and legitimacy. I spent 8 years working in the corporate and non-profit sectors, while there I was always distracted by big ideas and the troubles of the world. I not only wanted to help eliminate these troubles, but I also wanted to undertand them more. So, graduate school was the next step for me. Then  I read a lot of self-help and business books; I was studying success. So, beyond a career, and a stream of income. I want my work to be about social justice. I want my work to help liberate people.  I want to help people lead more fulfilling lives.

HHS: What do you think of Kanye West, and his current platform?

MF: I defend him in his critique of our capitalistic economic and political system. He, like many socially conscious persons, grapples with the need to eat, success, and speaking truth to power.  His latest “rants” puts a lens on who controls the means of production, and how they go about doing it. Unfortunately, we live in a society that socializes us in regards to what vocations we should pursue, and often suggests that we should only do one thing in this life. When one tries to step outside of that socialization, we often find that we are questioned by the gatekeepers of industry and also questioned by society at large. Although I don't agree with everything Kanye says or his method of delivery for that matter, the media discourse about him depicts him as a crazy and angry black man. When some one is labeled crazy, it is easy for us to dismiss the truth of what that person says—to filter through the distractions and hear the point that Kanye is trying to make.

HHS: Thank you so much again for agreeing to do this interview. We really appreciate it! I can't wait to put this book in the mail to Houston and send my Dad his copy :)

To order your copy of the book, please visit:

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Lorde Denies Dissing Drake and Nicki Minaj

Much has been made recently about Lorde's monster hit 'Royals'. Critics and fans across the blogosphere have weighed in on whether there are racial overtones or if she's simply taking a shot at hip-hop. Let's hear from the 'queen bee' herself.


From MTV UK: 

After accusations that she had badmouthed both Minaj and Canadian rapper Drake, the Royals singer took to Twitter to defend herself. “I have nothing but love and admiration for both nicki and drake (have said this x1000),” Lorde tweeted last night.


“Just because their songs aren't my reality (being 17 and from auckland) doesn't mean i don't admire their musicianship and careers!,” she stated in a follow-up tweet.


In a recent chat with Interview Magazine, the talented songstress was quoted as saying: “Around the middle of last year I started listening to a lot of rap, like Nicki Minaj and Drake, as well as pop singers like Lana Del Rey.”  Read more here


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Kanye West stops by The Breakfast Club!

Kanye West dropped by to spar with Charlemagne tha God and the rest of the Breakfast Club at Power 105.1...the highlights?? Yeezy will be putting Charly Charl on a private jet or on a coach flight sometime REAL SOON!

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Jay Z & Barney's - #NewRules 2013


F*ck hashtags and retweets, n*gga

No truer words spoken can sum up the recent events surrounding racial profiling at Barney's New York, and Jay Z's corporate partnership with the luxury retailer. Unfortunately for him, we live in a world that is largely influenced by the twitterverse, especially Black Twitter. Mr. Carter isn't exactly a social (media) animal, but during the summer Hov gave hope to millions when he not only came on Twitter to promote his upcoming MCHG album, but also to answer questions. That pretty much opened Pandora's Box. From there on, there was an expectation from your fans and your community that you were all in. Not to mention, you and your wife's appearance at a Trayvon Martin rally, was a signal that you were invested in social justice.


I am not suggesting that this is not the case. However, please recognize that one tweet within 48 hours of the debacle would have carried so much weight; something along the lines of "This is unacceptable. I'm on it." This would have been enough to quell the hysteria (momentarily) and also given him and his team time to investigate. Gone are the days where people are waiting on an official press release. That's the equivalent of watching your parents make nice with the schoolyard bully. And like it or not, you are in a patriarchal position round these streets. Did the Drake and J. Cole fiasco teach you nothing? You've got to be ENGAGED. In this sound-bite, hashtag, retweet society, THESE are the #newrules.


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Top 10 Hip Hop Songs About Hip Hop - #3

As our campaign winds down to a close, we really appreciate the support from you all! Our readership continues to grow, our funding - not so much. As we are a (one-person) startup ANY contribution between now and December 11th is greatly appreciated. Check out this week's #3 below :)

3. Common - I used to love H.E.R.

Reminiscin' when it wasn't all business
If it got where it started

Went from turntables to mp3s
From "Beat Street" to commercials on Mickey D's

Not about the money, those studs was mic checking her
But I respected her, she hit me in the heart

I might've failed to mention that this chick was creative
Once the man got to her, he altered her native
Told her if she got an image and a gimmick
That she could make money, and she did it like a dummy
Now I see her in commercials, she's universal
She used to only swing it with the inner-city circle

But I'mma take her back hoping that the shit stop
Cause who I'm talking bout y'all is hip-hop


1. Do you remember the 1st time you heard this song? Did you know this was about hip-hop?

2. Do you agree with Common's sentiment? Does this still ring true today? Why or Why not?

3. Did you know about the beef that resulted after this song was released?

SOUND OFF in the comments below!


Thanks for your support! If you love Hip Hop please SHARE this post. 

#10, 9, 8





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LL Cool J debuts RADIO

Today marks 28 years since LL Cool J released his debut album, Radio on Def Jam Recordings. Recording sessions for the album took place during 1984 to 1985 at Chung King House of Metal in New York City. The album was primarily produced by Rick Rubin, who provided a sparse and minimal production style. Radio also features a sound that is punctuated by DJ scratching, mostly brief samples, and emphasis of the downbeat. LL Cool J's b-boy lyricism conveys themes of inner city culture, teenage promiscuity, and braggadocio raps.
The album experienced a significant amount of commercial success and sales for a hip hop record at the time, earning U.S. Billboard chart success and selling over 500,000 copies within its first five months of release. On April 19, 1989, Radio was certified platinum in sales by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), following sales in excess of one million copies in the United States. Initial criticism of the album was generally positive, as LL Cool J's lyricism and Rick Rubin's production were praised by several music critics. It has since been recognized by critics as LL Cool J's greatest work.
Reflecting the new school and ghettoblaster subculture in the U.S. during the mid-1980s, Radio belongs to a pivotal moment in the history and culture of hip hop. Its success contributed to the displacement of the old school with the new school form and to the genre's mainstream success during the period. Its success also served as a career breakthrough for LL Cool J and Rick Rubin. Radio has been recognized by music writers as one of the first cohesive and commercially successful hip hop albums.

(source: wikipedia)

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New Partnership with ESLhiphop!!

New Partnership with ESLhiphop!!

Hip Hop Smithsonian partners with ESLhiphop!

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ODB Platinum Edition: NuHo Film Fest

ODB Platinum Edition: NuHo Film Fest

Video footage of NuHo film festival's screening of Dirty Platinum Edition at the Brooklyn Academy of Music

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Top 10 Hip Hop Songs About Hip Hop - #4

Thanks for your support! If you love Hip Hop please SHARE this post. 

#10, 9, 8




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Lil' Kim - Hard Core

Hard Core is the debut studio album by American rapper Lil' Kim. On November 12, 1996, it was released, in the United States, by the Atlantic subsidiary Big Beat Records. The album was notable for its overt raunchy sexual tone and Kim's lyrical delivery, which was praised by music critics shortly after its release.
Hard Core debuted at number eleven on the U.S. Billboard 200, the highest debut for a female rap album at that time, and number three on Billboard's Top R&B Albums, selling 78,000 copies in its first week of release, and reached the top ten of the Canadian Albums Chart. In the United States, Hard Core was certified double platinum by the RIAA, and is considered by many a classic hip hop album. (via wikipedia)


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Top 10 Hip Hop Songs About Hip Hop - #5

Welcome Back and TGIF! Continuing our Countdown of the Top 10 Hip Hop songs about Hip Hop ...our #5 spot comes in from the West Coast

5. N.W.A. - Express Yourself

Cause some don't agree with how I do this
I get straight, meditate like a Buddhist
I'm dropping flavor, my behaviour is heriditary
But my technique is very necessary

It's crazy to see people be
What society wants them to be, but not me

Ruthless is the way to go, They know.

Others say rhymes that fail
To be original.

Or they kill where the hiphop starts,

Forget about the ghetto and rap for the pop charts
Some musicians curse at home
But scared to use profanity when up on the microphone

Yeah, they want reality.
But you won't hear none.

Cause if you wanna start to move up the chart
Then expression is a big part of it.


Thanks for your support! If you love Hip Hop please SHARE this post and PLEASE CONTRIBUTE to our Indiegogo campaign

#10, 9, 8



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Massive Map of Hip-Hop Monikers by Pop Chart Lab

Pop Chart Lab has created a classification system for the many unique names of hip-hop artists in their new illustration, “Massive Map of Hip-Hop Monikers.” Signed and numbered prints are available to purchase online. Read more here...

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Message from our Founder

Message from our Founder

But wouldn't it be great to go online and access the history & evolution of hip hop's music & culture? Better yet, in an interactive, digital medium??

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